Revamp Your Daily Routine

2023 has arrived and we’re almost to the end of January. We know, CRAZY! One thing for sure is that when a new year starts, most get inspired to start doing new things. As we all know, New Year’s Resolutions are prominent during this time of year, but a lot of people find it hard to follow through. Which by the way is TOTALLY okay! Yet, we want to talk about REVAMPING your go-to daily routine with simple tasks or ideas that will create good habits or changes. Let’s see how YOU can accomplish the day in a BETTER way!


Maybe this means you change up your morning or night routine. Maybe this means you incorporate a task you don’t normally do. Whatever you want to focus on is up to you, but we recommend switching it up! This could be by waking up or going to bed at different times than you normally do and/or just restructuring those times. This could also mean you maybe take up journaling or working out in the morning when maybe you actually never do those things or you do them at a different time in the day. Just focus on one thing to revamp, and the rest will follow!



Kind of like the last tip, taking an already existing routine and changing ONE thing, can really help refresh your life. Maybe this means you add cleaning more often to your schedule or eating/drinking new things. Been wanting to learn how to cook? Try making a new recipe every day or once a week! Anything like that can help you feel refreshed and can cause more excitement in your life! It’s almost like adding a new habit to your everyday routine. The easiest way to make your habits stick is to attach them to a habit that’s already established. Kinda like flossing every time you brush your teeth. If we take it one step at a time, by adding new habits as we go, we’ll eventually have a new and revamped daily routine.


Do your morning routine before you go on your phone

Drink a glass of water before you eat or drink anything else for the day

Set a goal or goals for the day

Complete one task you WANT to do vs. what you NEED to do

Put things in your diet or take stuff out

Change up your style

Plan out your outfits or daily tasks if you don’t already

Talk to someone you love at least once a day

Journal your thoughts
Text back everyone you need to before the day ends

Set up shows you want to watch on certain days of the week

Clean or organize your space

Revamp your closet

If you’re in a funk or just looking for a change, we hope you use these blog tips to REVAMP your daily routines Seawolves!

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