How The SL Merch Was Born

Alright Seawolves, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here! Seawolf Living is launching limited-edition MERCH! That’s right. We here at Seawolf Living have designed a crewneck that you can purchase at our very own University Store! How this all came about you ask? Well, keep reading to find out the story behind this sweet product!



Behind every great idea, comes an even greater purpose. As many of you know, our brand Seawolf Living has been students’ one-stop-shop for all things SSU for many years now. We market on-campus departments, lifestyle content, and are a central hub for those who need guidance while attending Sonoma State. Between us filming around campus and asking you to be in our content, to YOU supporting our platforms, you are ALL a part of Seawolf Living here at Sonoma State.


And with that in mind, we wanted to create something fun, exciting, and trendy for ALL Seawolves to enjoy. It all started when our very own SL Squad member, Valentina Hidalgo, proposed to our staff the idea to launch our own merch with that purpose behind it. Everyone fell in love with the idea and our team got to work. That was the moment our product and vision were born!


When we all got to work, we first had to come to a consensus on what type of product we wanted to create. We all agreed that a crewneck was the way to go and a student favorite. As for our design, our very own graphic designer, Rémy Williams, had previously created a beautiful spring sticker showcasing our Bacon & Eggs statue in the heart of campus. It was clear to us all that it belonged on our crewneck and from there on out everything else fell into place!



After knowing the details you’re probably wondering how YOU can get one in your hands! Well, we are happy to announce our Seawolf Living crewneck will be dropping on March 25th where you can purchase at the University Store! Proceeds benefit the Seawolf Living Brand, to support the work we do! We hope you love it as much as we do! Spread the word, tell your friends, and be a part of something BIG!



photos done by Kylie Quinley

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