What NOT to do Freshman Year

Congratulations to making it to college! You’re officially a Freshman now, get to live on your own and have the best four years of your life. Here's 5 top tips to help you through your first year of college.

1. DON’T be that roommate

Yes! You know exactly what I mean. The last thing someone wants as a roommate is someone who is inconsiderate. Don’t slam the door as hard as you can when leaving to an 8am class. Or even worse- through cleanliness out the window

DO be considerate and respectful of others who share your living space. 

Being clean and thoughtful towards others means you'll get along way better with your roomies in the long run.

2. DON’T stop being active

Have you ever heard of Freshman 15? Trust me! It’s a real thing. You might have played sports for your high school or even joined club teams, but don’t stop there. 

DO continue being active even if it's only for thirty minutes a day.

This is great time to develop a healthy habits that will  benefit you after college. Find that workout groove you enjoy most; rock climbing, running, hiking, biking, and more! 

3. DON’T be anti-social

It can be scary! I understand. But it’s not like you can be a hermit crab for the rest of your life. 

DO be confident and put yourself out there.

Sit next to someone random who is sitting alone, or maybe strike up a conversation with the person next to you in class. Socializing in college is how you make friends so go out there and meet amazing people. 

4. DON'T skip your classes

We’ve all been there. Getting bored with some professors or feeling stuck taking a required class is totally normal. It can be especially daunting when the class is four hours long. 

DO make the most of your classes.

Not only are you paying big bucks for your education, but you sell yourself short by not going to class. Going to class means you get to participate in transformative discussions, take helpful notes and ask questions. 

5. DON'T sell yourself short

Often times, some college students think that they’re not good enough or qualified enough to take on things such as starting a club, applying to competitive internships, finishing a creative project or simply starting their own business. 

DO challenge yourself

Whatever it is that you find intimidating, take the risk and just do it! College is a prime time to get yourself out there, gain experience and say you actually took a chance. 


Just remember, you’re at the stage of your life where you get to make decisions on your own. When you do, make sure they’re good ones. Good luck Freshie! I wish you the best! 

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