Seniors' Advice To Younger Seawolves

Through their time at Sonoma State, our graduating seniors have learned a lot. From advice on how to get involved on campus to heartfelt personal anecdotes, SSU has been a place for all to earn wisdom to pass down to future college grads. We asked our Senior Seawolves what advice they had for you all, and their words are truly inspiring!


“Get involved! You will meet your best friends and make so many connections on campus.”

“Make appointments with your advisors so that you know which courses to register for.”

📸 @natdolanphotography


📸 @natdolanphotography

“College isn’t a race so don’t rush it! Take time to make memories, take care of yourself mentally, and slow down to appreciate how much you’re growing.”

“Go on campus! Whether it’s for studying or just to hang out with friends, it’s so worth it.”


“Make friends in as many different spaces and groups as you possible can!”

“Utilize all aspects of Sonoma State: The Rec, Lobo’s Pantry, The Students Center, and more!”

📸 @garrettcphotos


📸 @kaytzirklephotography

“Reach out and form connections with your professors. They can be super cool!”

"Time flies by! Be present in every moment and make the most of time spent with friends and classmates.”


“Say yes to everything! There are very few times that you will regret doing something but you will almost always regret NOT doing something. Your four years in college are finite so take every opportunity you can to make the best memories and cherish the time you have with your friends!”

"I would tell younger Seawolves to study abroad! It is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

📸 @garrettcphotos


We are so proud of our graduating Seawolves and know that they will do amazing things!