Study Session Snacking

Finals season is here and that means that all the long study sessions, the need for caffeine, and late nights at the library are coming along with it. The one thing that is sure to get you through all of the pre-finals stress is some good snacks! Not sure what to bring, no problem, Seawolf Living has got you covered. This blog will be your go to guide for all the best study session snacks that will help you breeze through all of your work this finals season.


Looking For Something Sweet?

If you have a sweet tooth and want some sugar to help you push through those late nights in front of your computer, try snacking on some dark chocolate! Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and improves blood flow to your brain, which will help keep you focused. It also helps increase your endorphins, which will boost your mood and make you feel happier!

dark chocolate pieces

tortilla chips and guacamole

More Of A Salty Person? 

Do you find yourself gravitating towards more salty treats? Then you should definitely try some tortilla chips and guacamole as your go to study snack! Avocado is great for you and full of healthy fats, nutrients, and vitamins that are great for increasing your brain function. If you’re not a huge avocado fan you could always sub out the guac for some salsa or another fun dip!



Need Something More Filling? 

Do you get hungry quickly and want a snack that will hold you over while you’re grinding out a final paper or cramming for a test? Try making a fun toast combo! Whether avocado toast is your go-to or peanut butter and banana toast is more your speed, toast is a great option to keep you full while you’re trying to get work done. Plus you can change it up so you have something different every time! 

toast with toppings

hummus with carrots, celery, and tomatoes

Want a Veggie Packed Snack?

If you’re looking for something on the healthier side, try some veggies and hummus! Hummus is high in protein so it will help keep you full and veggies are loaded with fiber and essential vitamins and nutrients to keep your brain sharp. Plus it’s really refreshing, so it will keep you in the perfect mindset to get stuff done!



In The Mood For Something Creative?

If you want a mix of everything and feel like customizing your snack to fit all your study session needs, try creating your own homemade trail mix! Combine your favorite crackers, chips, candies, or anything else you could possibly want for the perfect mix of all your favorite, go-to snacks! What more could you possibly want when studying?

snack mix

With so many great snack options out there, you’re sure to find something that is the perfect addition to your next study session. Keep pushing through finals Seawolves, you’ve got this!

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